Tuesday 5 March 2013

Nottingham City publications/plans

Just looking over the masterplans/design guides the city council have been churning out in recent years. A lot of these went south with the recession, but to prove I've done the research:

  • East-side development, Hopkins

This was going to be at the top of London Rd, just south of the Lace Market area. It's dated 2008 on Hopkins website. There's a lot of empty land on the site, whether it was cleared in preparation for this I don't know but it was certainly never built.

  • Waterside development, ISIS

Again, another one that was in planning stages and never got any further. Skyscraper City has this down in 2007, the development area includes/included all the industrial area on the north bank of the Trent just past Trent Bridge. 

  • South-side development area

This area included the part of the city that connects the centre to the Meadows, around the train station and Broadmarsh. The image is a scheme by MAKE for the 'Meadows Gateway', again, this was never built. 

Those 3 schemes sum up the development areas identified by the City Council: East, South and Waterside. There was never any specific plan for the north or west of the city, although as noted the Council did issue briefs for the Basford Gasworks and the Haydn Rd site (in Old Basford, just south of Vernon Park).

Remember to keep checking my pinterest pages, building up a good body of reference material there. The is a link of the 'links' thing up there on the right. 

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