Tuesday 16 April 2013

Post-Interim 2

So... I suppose an update is in order after the interim. Basically, everybody is behind, which obviously isn't ideal and socks need to be pulled up, fingers pulled our of orifices and work done. Incidentally, I bought some new socks today and I am ROCKING them. I can mention that because the project is on fashion. 

Personally, I suppose it was a crit of two halves. All my research/thinking/theory etc was absolutely fine. My first stab at a design was quite rightly panned (new bit of city - with no streets?! Facepalm.). However, after acknowledging that cities need more than just empty space and that maybe streets are a good idea, I've been re-working the thing, had a good tutorial with Benachir (my supervisor) earlier today and am (weirdly) looking forward to cracking on. Site model  tomorrow morning for the win.

My plan at this stage is to work up designs/models etc in the studio during the day whilst using the evenings to get the research book in order, which so far I have been neglecting. This will include sections of writing as well as diagrams, site analysis etc, and the plan is to format it similar to a fashion magazine. InDesign is loading as we speak.

This is general recording of activity, by the way. I plan to post an update on the design tomorrow, all the drawings etc are in the studio and need to be scanned.

Something else I should probably mention in the interests of posterity is the conversation we had this morning with Adam (the module leader for the technical module, which runs alongside the thesis design). He was basically asking, as far as any of us could see, for the buildings to be drawn up to a point where they are ready to build, like actually go on site. RIBA stage E or whatever it is. Not going to happen. A conversation needs to be had there...

Any, till the design on the morrow...

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